
CLEAN-Air(Africa) joins World Health Organization’s summit on ‘Combatting Household Air Pollution in Kenya: A Path to Cleaner, Healthier Lives’


CLEAN-Air(Africa) has joined other key stakeholders in Kenya’s ambitious initiative to achieve “universal access to modern, clean energy” by 2028 at the World Health Organisation (WHO) stakeholder engagement summit in Nairobi, entitled ‘Combatting Household Air Pollution in Kenya: A Path to Cleaner, Healthier Lives Household Air”

The CLEAN-Air(Africa) team, consisting of Professors Daniel Pope and Nigel Bruce from the University of Liverpool and Dr. James Mwitari from the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), actively participated in a two-day workshop on household air pollution and high-level commitment for action in Kenya. The workshop, organized by the WHO, the office of the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya (Mama Doing Good Foundation), and the Ministries of Health and Energy, took place in Nairobi on November 15th and 16th, 2023.

Together with government representatives, energy, finance and public society officials, CLEAN-Air(Africa) reported on the current situation in Kenya, and the health impacts for inhabitants. It also outlined essential steps required to achieve the ambitious national target.

The workshop highlighted notable initiatives such as those promoted by the Mama Doing Good and Equity Bank/ Equity Group Foundation for public institutions w. This former initiative aims to train over 200,000 members of the Joyful Women Table Bank groups on the dangers and threats of air pollution prevention within one year. The goal is to empower women to adopt the best available clean cooking options. CLEAN-Air(Africa) is honoured to lead the evaluation of this initiative and the broader health and behavioural impacts of the Ministry of Health’s community health worker training program.

“We all bear a crucial duty and responsibility to address this public health priority. We willingly accept this challenge,” stated Dr. James Mwitari, co-director of CLEAN-Air(Africa) during the workshop.

Throughout the event, representatives from CLEAN-Air(Africa) presented the effects of the community-based household air pollution prevention program (CHAP-PP), developed by the University of Liverpool and currently being implemented nationwide by the Ministry of Health for all community health promoters.

Following two days of productive discussions, evidence evaluation, testimonies from community representatives, and engagement with the private sector, CLEAN-Air(Africa) expressed its pleasure in signing the Call to Action. This commitment underscores their dedication to collective efforts in creating a cleaner and healthier future for Kenya. CLEAN-Air(Africa) looks forward to playing a pivotal role in Kenya’s journey towards achieving universal access to clean energy.

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