Air Pollution Centre of Excellence
Air Pollution Centre of Excellence
The NIHR CLEAN-Air(Africa) Global Health Research Unit has sponsored the development of an Air Pollution Centre of Excellence housed at KEMRI’s Centre for Respiratory Disease Research in Nairobi.
The Centre includes a state-of-the-art air quality measurement and processing laboratory, including Africa’s first Robotic Weighing System for gravimetric mass measurements of particulate matter (PM), highlighted in the images below:
The need for the Air Pollution Centre of Excellence and its state-of-the-art facilities are shown in this video.
State of the art air pollution sensing equipment
The Training Centre
The Centre benefits from trained research staff and technicians in the management, measurement, and analysis of air pollution emissions, concentrations, and exposures. It will initially support CLEAN-Air(Africa) in conducting its air quality processing for research activities.
It will ultimately serve academic, research, and public and private organisations across sub-Saharan Africa to measure and process their air quality samples. It will also offer classroom and field-based training in measuring air pollution.
The KEMRI-University of Liverpool Air Pollution Centre of Excellence
The NIHR CLEAN-Air(Africa) Global Health Research Unit is proud to announce the establishment of the KEMRI-University of Liverpool Air Pollution Centre of Excellence housed at KEMRI’s Centre for Respiratory Disease Research in Nairobi, Kenya.
With funding from the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research and KEMRI, the KEMRI-University of Liverpool Air Pollution Centre of Excellence includes a state-of-the-art air quality measurement and processing laboratory including Africa’s first MTLAH500E Robotic Weighing System for gravimetric mass measurements of particulate matter (PM). PM is recognised as the biggest contributor to the burden of disease from air pollution exposure.
The KEMRI-University of Liverpool Air Pollution Centre of Excellence will also be able to measure and process a range of other health-damaging and climate pollutants including carbon monoxide (CO), black carbon (BC), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydocarbons.
Please download the flyer for more information about the Centre and services offered.